Thursday, May 1, 2014


This one is a general portrait in oils. For this we did not have a model so we used these two photographs as reference.

After toning my canvas (with burnt sienna with a dark blue), I started on the sketch. I actually didn't know what I wanted to do when I was doing this so I was just winging it.

I realized that after awhile I wanted her to have short hair, or at least hair tied up because at this point I decided I wanted to make her a knight.
At this point we started to add in the dark shadows of the flesh.
I also blocked in the background colors.

Over the course of time I worked on her face and also the background. I experimented greatly with the shades on her face, and attempted to paint in eyes.

I then began the armor, but after blocking in the color I gave up on that momentarily and worked on her hair. I tried to make it look gross because she just got done fighting probably. I also worked on the background completely.

This was a lot of working on the armor and I was getting really frustrated. But I managed to settle on something eventually and I was just super tired of looking at this painting. I forgot to take a picture of the complete painting, but it's basically the same, save for her sleeve which I painted in wrinkles.

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